I have recently been introduced to using essential oils for a number of physical and mental benefits.  The absolute best oils to start with if you are a beginner are peppermint and lavender. They really are two essential oils you can’t live without because that both do so much!

My first thought was: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?

First let me begin by saying I don’t work for an essential oils company and I don’t make any money for promoting them. I’m just a person who uses them, and LOVES them! I’ve found that on my wellness crusade, these little guys have boosted my energy, enhanced my mood, calmed my racing mind, eased physical pain, and inspired further educating myself on plant based medicine.

If I can address a problem first in the most natural way, then I will. That is why I love these oils so much. I believe that for the most part nature provides us with what we need. What is important to keep in mind with essential oils is the quality.

Unfortunately the kinds you buy in the health food stores are not the highest grade and may contain other chemicals. They should NOT be used directly on the skin or ingested.

The essential oils that I use (Young Living) are therapuric grade and organically grown and produced. They can be used aromatically, topically and internally. My two favorites are lavender and peppermint.

Pppermint essential oil

Peppermint and lavender are like the swiss army knife of essential oils. They can pretty much be used for any malady or complaint.


  • Topically I use peppermint on my temples, forehead and neck for headaches or tension pain after a long day.
  •  It’s cooling properties help when soothing a sunburn, reducing fever. Try soaking your feet in a bowl of water with a few drops of peppermint to cool off on a hot day.
  • It’s also used to help aid digestive pain, heart burn and nausea when rubbed on the stomach or ingested with water.
  • Inhale for congestion, mental clarity, waking up, and to boost energy.
  • Use a carrier oil to rub on sore muscles after a tough workout.


  • I use it on my skin every night to reduce redness, scarring and to help me sleep.
  • Apply to cuts, burns and bruises to help the healing process.
  • It can also be used in a bath to relax, ease stress and detox.
  • Promotes lash growth when combined with mascara
  • Soothes itchy bug bites
  • Reduced swelling and infection to cuts.
  • Inhale to increase relaxation and reduce stress

This is really just the beginning. Contact me directly if you would like to know more. Otherwise check back for more posts about these wonderful oils in the future.

Essential Oils

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