This is my favorite dish right now! The perfect fall breakfast, snack or dessert. It’s simple, but that’s why I make it almost every day. I’ve seen similar recipes that use maple syrup, sugar, and molasses to sweeten it, but it’s not necessary. The natural sweetness of the apples is more than enough. If you can’t make this, then I don’t know what to tell you. You will not regret this one, I promise!sauteed apples 2

  1. Peel and cut the apple into bite size pieces. (If you want to get creative you can shred it, or use the apple peeler on the entire thing to make very thin slivers, but I personally like it in chunks.)
  2. Put the apple pieces in a pan over medium heat with a bit of coconut oil (about a teaspoon will do) and as much cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice as you like. Cover with a lid to keep the moisture in.
  3. Wait about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

The apple will release its juice and natural sugars, so no need to add sugar to this one. It tastes like apple pie without the crust. ENJOY!

Sautéed Apples

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