Because essential oils have antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory benefits, it helps to add them to a bath when you want to rid your body of impurities.

The benefits of a detox bath are two fold: first your body sweats out toxins. Remember, sweating is one of the best ways to get toxins out of our bodies, so a hot bath is not only relaxing for tired muscles, but it helps the process of detoxification through sweating it out.

Not only are baths totally practical (that is if you’re someone who values good body hygiene) but they are also an easy and affordable luxury that’s available to anyone with a tub.

The best way to start simple is with your base ingredients.(These are rough measurements, we’re not baking a cake here.)

  • 1 cup epsom salt
  • 1/4 cup baking soda

From there you can add any assortment of essential oils, herbs or spices. I like to call it ACCESSORIZING BATH TIME!

Here are some of my favorite combinations:

When you have a cold: Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils 1-3 drops of each

When your skin is dry: 1 tbsp Coconut oil, 1/2 c oatmeal,  1/2 c coconut milk, 4-5 lavender essential oil

When you have tired muscles: peppermint, lavender essential oils 1-4 drops of each

When you’re stressed: Lavender and chamomile



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