Well guys, it’s been a doozie. They say this flu season has been one of the worst in recent years, so it’s been especially hard to stay healthy this winter. Inevitably I feel like the best we can hope for is a cold or two, but the likelyhood of coming down with something in the winter is very high. When I feel like I’m getting sick there are few holistic and downright common sense things I do to boost my immune system so I can stay healthy this winter.

I don’t know about you, but in my “day job” I am surrounded by children, most of them too young to know how to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. I get sneezed on A LOT. Which has probably strengthened my immune system somewhat, but I am bombarded by illness on a regular basis this time of year. I’ve had to develop strategies over the years, and researched ways to increase my chances of staying well. Also I HATE being sick, so I’m highly motivated.

Especially for us entrepreneurs, or people working demanding jobs, we literally can’t afford to get sick for too long. Our clients, our work, and the fulfillment we get from our work depends on us being at the top of our game. We sometimes see it as just another thing that happens in the wintertime and there’s nothing we can do about it. But we actually have a lot of resources at our disposal.

I find that staying healthy in the winter is two fold.

First you want to consistently take good care of yourself by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest. These things are obvious, but set a crucial foundation for wellness when you are exposed to lots of germs.

The second aspect adds to that foundation by fortifying the immune system with daily habits for wellness. So aside from taking good care of yourself, what are you doing extra this season when a cold begins? I know my routines are different in the winter than any other time of the year for this reason. These are the things I am sharing about here…

Wellness Strategies for Avoiding Cold and Flu

Neti Pot– At first it’s SUUUUPER uncomfortable but I promise you I put it first for a reason. Whenever I feel the beginnings of a cold come on, or even if I am fully congested the Neti Pot is a great way to clear out your sinuses. Don’t give up if you don’t like it at first. I always cringe for the first few seconds but I tough it out, and it’s worth it! The discomfort of being congested for days is so much worse than the discomfort of having water up your nose for 30 seconds. Suck it up, and you’ll be glad you did it. Here is the one I use.

Apple cider vinegar– I take about a teaspoon in a small glass of water and just try to drink it as fast as I can. It’s not pleasant, but it’s great for alkalizing your body when you’ve got a bug. Some people mix it with hot water, honey, and lemon making a tea which is great for sore throats. I don’t do this every day because it’s just not a pleasant taste, but I will take it for a few days in a row when I feel something coming on.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Rubbing Alcohol in the ears- Sounds like an old wives tale but let me tell you, my fiancé, who is a western medicine doctor (and not into most of my wholistic woo-woo ideas) swears by this and has been doing it for years. Mix these in equal parts (usually a cap full of each will do), lie down on one side and have someone pour some of the mixture in one ear, let it sit for about a minute, then drain it out and do the same on the other side. It’s great for ear pain associated with colds and ear infections. I find that it usually helps my ear pain go away by the next day.

Gargle with salt- Simple yet effective. Put some salt in a small cup of warm water and gargle it for a few minutes right before you go to bed. Helps my sore throats every time.

Tongue scraping– I got into this a few years ago but this winter I have made it a daily morning ritual. Before I do ANYTHING I go into the bathroom and scrape my tongue. It clears toxins & bacteria from the tongue, helps eliminate undigested food particles from the tongue, and promotes overall oral & digestive health. Now I’m not going to promise that this will help your immune system become stronger, or help you right off illness, but anything I can do up improve my overall health and remove toxins from my body will surely contribute to reducing the chance of getting sick. And it takes like 3 seconds. This is the one I use if you’re interested in trying it out yourself.

Salt Baths– THE BEST for sore, achy muscles. I love to put epsom salts and some baking soda in a bath when I feel achy or out of sorts. Also a hot bath will help you sweat out toxins form your body. Just be sure to stay hydrated. My favorite salts to use are from Radiant Botanics because they have different salts for each of the 7 chakras so you can find one that will help support your energetic system, as well as your physical body. They also don’t use fragrances, parabens, sulphates, phalates, petroleum products, or any other nasty toxic chemicals. The thing I really love about them is they have essential oils AND crystals in each of the bags, so the salts are UBER spiritually charged.

Garlic– Ok, I don’t personally enjoy this one, but people swear by it. All you do is chew on a piece of garlic to help fight colds and illness. Garlic has been shown by scientific studies to be anti bacteria and anti viral. It’s also very anti making out, so be sure to brush your teeth good after this one!

Fermented Foods– A healthy gut microbiome means a healthy immune system. This time if year I really increase my intake of fermented foods to help my gut bacteria flourish. On the other side of that coin, be sure to reduce the intake of anything that will hurt your good gut health such as sugar. Things like kombucha tea and kimchi (which is fermented veggies) are staples in my daily diet.

Vitamins and Supplements– My vitamin routine is vastly different in the winter time and for good reason. I take more vitamin D and C this time of hear for my immune system, but I also take Zinc and Elderberry which are both known to help improve the immune system. I’m not a doctor, but these things seem to work for me.

Extra Sleep– When I am fighting something off, the best thing I can do for my body is get a ton of extra sleep. I’m talking 10+ hours if needed. I go to bed ridiculously early and let myself wake up naturally without an alarm because I just wanna let my body do her thing.

Just so you know, although I think this is pretty obvious, I’m not a doctor so I can’t promise that these will cure you of anything, or prevent any disease, but they are some good tips for how you can optimize your wellness routine during the tough cold and flu season.

I would love to hear from you! What are some tips and tricks you swear by to stay healthy during the winter months?






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Stay Healthy This Winter

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