It was a humid and misty day in New York city in June of 2016. I had finally made the decision to do something I had put off for 2 years. I was going to Spirit Junkie Masterclass with Gabby Bernstein. I knew not a soul there, but quickly found a tribe (ok, more like a family) that I continue to support, and who support me to this day.
The lessons I learned that week continue to unfold in my life, in deeper and new ways. Luckily I also have the digital version of the masterclass so I can go back and watch every single lecture, meditation, interview, and training she gave that weekend. I often listen to the digital files in the car on my way to work and find more and more wisdom each time (plus it’s a great use of sitting in traffic).
As my journey continues to unfold, I find different meaning in these teachings, even though I’ve heard them numerous times. I keep going back to them, and they keep serving me. It’s not a one and done kind of thing. The teachings are timeless and transcend situations, so at any point in my life I can go back to them, and learn something new.
It’s hard to sum it up, but the whole weekend has the magical, happy energy that a kid feels when going to Disney World, combined with deep inner healing, topped off with some kickass business trainings. It’s like going to church, therapy, and business school in a weekend. High vibe doesn’t even BEGIN to describe it.
When I got back from Spirit Junkie Masterclass I wrote a blog post about what I learned, which you can find here. Now, two years (and several more Gabby trainings) later I wanted to share some more things I learned from going through the course again with Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital.
1. Be grateful for the tough spots
It’s ok to be in a job that doesn’t light you up, while you’re still figuring out your next move. Even when you’re pissed that you are working the job you hate, and you want out, and you feel stuck, and you’re not doing the work you want to do…BE GRATEFUL. I realized that my full time job was the venture capitalist helping me invest in myself and my vision for this business. I could not be where I am today, taken the trainings I have, created the blog I have now, or begun teaching others like I do, if I didn’t have this venture capitalist funding my dreams. Do you hate your job and dream of doing something else? Start seeing your job as the funding you need to get your dream off the ground. Send massive amounts of gratitude to that job of yours, and when it’s time to move on from it, pop all the champagne you want.
2. Recall Your Commitment to your PURPOSE
Connect with the huge commitment you feel to your purpose, when you do it even when you have no time or resources. Even when you’re working in the job you hate. Even when you have no clients, or no income. You will never be committed to something as much as you are when you do it even when you don’t have time.
3. Take Little Right Actions
I hear so many people say “How do I get where I want to be?” Gabby’s answer, “Lots of little right actions.” Most success stories look like an over night success, and so we think a giant leap forward is needed for us to be successful too. It doesn’t work like that, babe. If you want to get to where you want to go, you have to focus on two things first: 1) aligning with what you are meant to do (that takes some time listening to your inner teacher, as well as trying and failing numerous times before you realize what that is) and 2) stay connected to that inner teacher and you will be guided to those little right actions. Take each small step forward what it is presented and you will be on your path. *the one caveat I will say about #2 is that if you live in fear, you won’t see the next steps when they are presented to you. Fear puts blinders on to your purpose. How many missed opportunities might have come and gone because you didn’t see them, or were too afraid to jump at them.
4. Feel the fear, and do it anyway
You might ask, well how do I know the difference between fear, and when something truly isn’t right. Girl, meet your intuition, she’s here to help you. Most of the time she knows, in an instant. But the key ingredient you want in the good kind of fear is excitement. WTF am I talking about? When an opportunity or idea presents itself, do you feel the kind of fear that’s like “omg, that’s amazing, but there’s no way I can do that, holy shit, who am I to do that” or is it a clear sense that it’s doesn’t light you up. <EXCITEMENT. When you are scared and excited, vs scared and “meh” then you know the difference.
5. Roadblocks are often opportunities in disguise
Even when things don’t work out, it’s not because It wasn’t meant to be. It’s because it was meant to not work out, and teach you something, and take you on a journey in the process. You are never the same person you were after you try something and it doesn’t work out. You are not back at square one when the relationship doesn’t work out, and you are not starting over when your business idea goes bust. You are on the other side of that failure for a reason. Every experience that moves your forward is your next right step. The universe creates space, opens doors, and guides you to lessons and resources and opportunities.
6. You are right where you need to be. PERIOD. You’re not going any slower or faster than you need to, or think you should.
Own the journeys that you have been on. All that you have been through was exactly as it needed to be for you to be here today, Own it. Be it. Express it. Heal it, if need be. But take command of where you’ve been, thank it, and let it propel you toward your greater purpose.
PS Gabby is doing a FREE 3-part video training that will get you into action to be abundant and make an impact doing what you love.
Like I did when I trained under Gabby, you’ll gain the confidence to embrace the fact that you have a divine purpose — and start taking inspired action so it can unfold.
Click here to get the FREE TRAINING and learn…
Watch now for an instant confidence boost.