Why Should We Care About The Sustainable Fashion Movement?

Why Should We Care About The Sustainable Fashion Movement?

I’m really happy about sustainable fashion being a thing now. Anyone else? It’s been over 10 years since I first started becoming aware of our impact on the planet, and in that time we have seen catastrophic destruction to ecosystems and parts of the world as a result of climate change (as I type this the Amazon is on fire *sheds a tear*), and unfortunately it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Perhaps for you it feels like nothing you do will make a difference, but I’d rather live by my values, even if it feels like a drop in the bucket.

If you are like me and care even the slightest about the impact your lifestyle has on the planet then you probably desire to make some changes to your lifestyle.

The big question is HOW.

I believe in simple swaps and ways to make a difference without going totally off the grid. As a whole we are creatures of habit and naturally resist changing how we shop for our favorite products, eat our favorite foods, and discard the associated waste. Fortunately I believe we are going in the right direction and soon it will become easier and easier to make smarter choices.

One thing I’ve been doing lately is shifting from consuming Fast Fashion to focusing more on Sustainable Fashion.

sustainable fashion movement

What is Fast Fashion?

Fast Fashion refers to the trendy, of-the-moment designs at a cheap price point that move quickly from the catwalk into your closet. They are often replaced by newer designs within a season or two or fall apart after several washes due to their low quality production. The production, consumption, and disposal of Fast Fashion is alarmingly harmful to our planet. I talk all about the facts of fast fashion in my next post.

What is Sustainable Fashion?

Sustainable Fashion is a movement towards creating a global shift in fashion production and consumption that has less of a negative impact on the environment.

This is done on many levels. First, at the production level, clothing companies are now producing textiles with less chemicals and toxic dyes, thereby releasing fewer toxins into the water supply. Factories are also now considering the ethical treatment of their workers, ensuring they have a safe environment in which to work, as well as the basic human rights of factory workers.

Next, at the consumption level, the sustainable fashion movement aims to urge buyers to become more mindful about the clothing they are purchasing. As educated consumers who care about the environment we must know what type of an impact we are making through where we spend our dollars. By shifting away from shopping at fast fashion retailers and look toward high quality, ethical brands we can begin to tip the scales toward sustainable fashion becoming a major industry.

Lastly, sustainable fashion hopes to reduce clothing waste at the end of a garment’s lifecycle. Think of all the clothes you’ve ever worn in your life. Now imagine them all in a landfill. That’s where they go, unfortunately. By creating more opportunities for textiles to be recycled, and changing our habits with regard to our habit for flippant consuming and discarding of clothing after a few wears, we can hopefully reduce the amount of waste we are creating.

I also want to note that nothing is more sustainable than reusing or buying second hand.

fast fashion vs sustainable fashion

Why is it the future?

  • More than 50% of consumers plan to switch brands in the future if another brand acts more environmentally and socially friendly than their preferred one
  • 75% of consumers view sustainability as extremely or very important.
  • More than a third of consumers report they have already switched from their preferred brand to another because it credibly stands for positive environmental and/or social practices.

We’ve been seeing this shift in the food industry as we focus on local food, demanding organic, and bringing mindfulness back to grocery shopping. Similarly the fashion industry is beginning to see the same shifts in the values and desires of customers.

We’re not just demanding more products anymore like the generations before us. We are demanding transparency and choose brands that align with our values, not our checkbook. Sustainable and ethical fashion is not a small niche market anymore.

It’s up to us to become educated and mindful consumers. Are you going to support ethical and sustainable fashion brands?

The answer is yours. Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

sustainable fashion

8 Surprising Facts About Fast Fashion Every Woman Should Know

8 Surprising Facts About Fast Fashion Every Woman Should Know

Here’s a quick, bite sized blog post to help inform you on the realities of fast fashion.

  1. It is estimated that more than half of fast fashion produced is disposed of in under a year. Ellen MacAthur Foundation
  2. The Institute of Sustainable Communication suggested that the fashion industry comes in the second position as the biggest polluter of clean water. 
  3. In the United States, clothes are only worn for about a quarter of the global average. Ellen MacAthur Foundation
  4. Some garments are estimated to be discarded after just seven wears.
  5. The textiles industry relies mostly on non-renewable resources, including oil, to produce synthetic fibers, fertilizers to grow cotton, and chemicals to produce, dye, and finish fibers and textiles.
  6. In 2015, greenhouse gas emissions from textiles production added up to 1.2 billion tons of CO2. More than those of all international flights and maritime shipping combined.
  7. 20% of industrial water pollution globally is attributable to the dyeing and treatment of textiles
  8. It has been estimated that around half a million tons of plastic microfibers shed during the washing of plastic-based textiles such as polyester, nylon, or acrylic end up in the ocean.

Ok don’t freak out. I know this is a lot to take in, but you powerful women out there want to be the most educated consumer you can be, and sometimes that means knowing things you wish you didn’t know.

Check out my similar posts on the rise of the sustainable fashion movement and simple ways you can minimize your fast fashion impact.

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8 surprising facts about fast fashion


Ellen MacArthur Foundation, A new textiles economy: Redesigning fashion’s future,(2017, http://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/publications).

Hartline, N.L., Bruce, N.J., Karba S.N., Ruff, E.O., Sonar, S.U., and Holden, P.A. (2016) Microfiber Masses Recovered from Conventional Machine Washing of New or Aged Garments, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 50, No.21, pp.11532-11538

Self Care For Fall: 5 Practices To Align With Autumn

Self Care For Fall: 5 Practices To Align With Autumn

Think about it, each season has themes, energies, and rituals. Our bodies and minds need different things at different times of the year. Self care for fall can help us feel more aligned with the season, and help us make the transition out of summer, which can be a real bummer for us summer lovers out there.

Winter gives us room for quiet introspection, a time to recharge and prepare for what’s ahead. The days are short and dark. You might spend more time on your couch cuddling with some chai tea and rewatching Downton Abbey for the millionth time. Winter gives you time to reflect, rest, and be still.

Spring is all about setting intentions, birthing ideas, and plantings new seeds for what’s to come. This is reflected in the natural world, and also in our renewed energy for some spring cleaning or new projects at home.

Summer brings a time of outward expansion, positive changes, transformation, and growth. The energy of summer lends itself to celebration and the robust glory of feeling free and alive.

How Seasons Influence Self Care

Autumn carries two equal but opposing energies that we can learn to cultivate in multiple areas of our lives.

On one hand autumn is all about letting go of what we no longer need. Trees lose their leaves, and we too can release old beliefs, habits, and choices that no longer serve us. While on the other hand it’s also a time to gather and harvest what is essential.

One theme predominates this season, and that is beginning to wind down. We turn down the tempo from summer’s energy and high spirited fun, to ease up on the gas, and find routine and groundedness.

The Autumn Equinox also brings an equal amount of light and darkness, which echoes these opposing themes of gathering what nourishes us, and letting go of what doesn’t. I like to see autumn as a celebration of balanced forces at work in our lives.

Today, as a former “Fall-Hater” I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to practice self care for fall and enhance the mind-body connection through the lens of all things fall!

trapped emotions

5 Practices To Align With Autumn

1. Alternate Nostril Breathing

Known in Sanskrit as nadi shodhana pranayama which translates as “subtle energy clearing breathing technique.” I did a whole video just on this topic, you can find it here.

And *fun fact* Hilary Clinton wrote in her book “What Happened” that she used alternate nostril breathing after her loss of the 2018 United States presidential election to manage stress and anxiety. Now that is definitely something I can relate to.

2. Try Some Grounding Yin Yoga

If you’ve never done Yin Yoga before check out my video explaining what it is and my article all about why you should totally give it a try. But in a nutshell Yin Yoga is an extremely gentle and slow yoga practice which uses poses that held for longer periods of time. It’s not your regular fast paced vinyasa flow.

Yin yoga is perfect for when you are feeling sick, run down, or over stimulated. It encourages circulation and energy flow to the joints and internal organs through passive poses that require little muscle engagement. 

When held for several minutes the poses place pressure on energetic pathways called meridians (think acupressure points) activating energy flow along these pathways, so it’s actually doing a lot more than you think, pretty cool right? This helps to bring us into balance energetically and is perfect when we feel totally discombobulated (I really like using that word).

3. Enjoy Seasonal Fall Foods

No matter where you are in the world, you can focus on eating seasonal produce and other foods that align with the energetic properties of the season. During the autumn there is an abundance of produce, especially root vegetables.

Some of my favorite fall recipes include my Apple Pumpkin Seed To-Go Bars, Golden Turmeric Milk, a Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte, and a Paleo Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Bowl. Try to incorporate these seasonal foods and herbs into your routine this fall:

  • Apples, Pears, Pumpkins, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Pomegranates, Chestnuts, Cranberries, Artichokes, Parsnips, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Clementines, Figs, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Rosemary, Ginger, Paprika, Cloves, Nutmeg, Allspice, and Fennel.

I have lots of other suggestions for choosing the right foods to support your wellness in the autumn in this post on ayurveda for autumn.

Pumpkins fall

4. Take Time To Reflect Through Journaling

While journaling this season, I encourage you to think about what goals you set out to complete at the beginning of the year and really look at what has helped you and what has held you back. While journaling, ask yourself these questions to help you guide your energy toward achieving these goals, and celebrating the fullness of your life. Some journal prompts to get you started are:

  • How have I grown personally and professionally this year?
  • What are my favorite ways to slow down, and reconnect with myself and my desires?
  • When I get really quiet with myself what does my inner guide/higher selftell me I need to do more or less of?
  • One OLD habit or belief I am committed to letting go of this season is…because…
  • One NEW habit or belief I am committed to letting go of this season is …because…
Self Care for Fall

5. Do a DIY Autumn At-Home Retreat

I love anything DIY, and an at home retreat day is the ultimate cost effective indulgence. Plan for a day where you have nothing else going on (I know, like does that even exist anymore?) and follow my Autumn At-Home Retreat Day in the updated Autumn Self Care Guide because you’ve earned it girlfriend.

self care for fall

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Self Care for Fall

What I learned About Making My Purpose My Profession

What I learned About Making My Purpose My Profession

It seems easy to the outside observer watching instagram influencers and bloggers get paid to travel and write articles from their couch. There’s almost epidemic levels of people who have decided to ditch their soul sucking day job and venture out on their own doing something they are really passionate about.

I love how this creative freedom is becoming the norm, but it’s easy to feel like we should all be doing the same thing in order to be happy.

A few years ago I was really struggling with my purpose and my profession (full disclosure I’m still figuring that out).

I have a masters degree and, by society’s standards, a good job. But that doesn’t mean I’m always happy or fulfilled. I hate to say it but as a speech pathologist for 8 years I never really felt like I found my place in that career. I worked in a skilled nursing facility, private practice, home care and schools. I never doubted my knowledge or skills, but I was missing the piece where I could see myself doing this job for my whole career.

It always felt like it was just until I could figure out what I was really here to do. It’s like when you know you are dating Mr. Right-Now and not Mr. Right. Have you ever felt like that too?

So I went on this journey of blogging, coaching, teaching yoga, writing, and teaching about living a mindful and healthy lifestyle. It’s been a road of ups and downs. I’m constantly oscillating between being a speech pathologist and a blogger/coach/yogi.

I have yet to strike that right balance but one of the things that has truly helped me learn about making my purpose my profession is when I started working with Gabby Bernstein.

I’ve done numerous trainings with her over the years and her message is a constant voice of clarity and wisdom in my life. Here’s what I learned from Gabby about making my purpose my profession. 

The 3 steps to clear blocks to your abundance and bring more purpose into your profession.

#1 Be unapologetic about your abundance.

Most people have blocks when it comes to thinking it’s not realistic to earn a lot of money for work you are passionate about. The old “starving artist” idea that society created really hammered home the notion that if we want to do the work of our soul, we better be prepared to starve.

Then there’s a lot of us that think others will judge us for charging for purposeful work (this is especially true in the spiritual and healing communities). You may feel awkward about asking for money when you are doing somethings that pays you in joy.

Sister, you’ve gotta clear the fearful stories about abundance. Center into the fact that you have great gifts to share with the world. Your work can transform people in so many different ways. If you have big visions then you need to remember that by earning more you can serve more.

Your great work needs to be supported in order for it to support others.  Use the mantra “my great work needs to be supported” whenever you are feeling uncomfortable about charging money for doing what you really love. 

#2 Begin where you are.

We think that we need to jump in and change everything over night, but there’s huge befits to transition slowly. Give yourself the time and space you need to gracefully transition into a new venture. It helps you make change without a ton of pressure.

I’ve always tended to rush through transitions, but when we slow down we can feel more supported. Honor the transition. Go slow, give yourself space and grace. The pressure can be so intense if we decide to quit our careers too quickly. Explore new opportunities in a way that feels good to you. You can even practice your passion in your profession. You don’t need to rush, there’s so many opportunities to bring light into the work you already do.

I learned that when I tried to go full time with coaching I started to hate it because of the pressure that I put on myself to replace my salary with it. I loved it when I was doing it for the joy, but as soon as it was about earning a paycheck I saw it in a whole different light.

I realized that your passion doesn’t necessarily HAVE to become your profession. There are people in this world that are not built for the 9-5, but there are also people that need the financial security of a 9-5 so they can give their heart into their side projects without adding on the pressure. Only you get to decide which lifestyle is right for you.

I am still transitioning by slowly going part time with my job so I can focus more on what I love to do. I’m taking this *painfully* slow. But that’s ok. 

#3 Abundance begins by feeling abundant. 

You start by feeling it. When you take on the energy of what you want to create your desires become your reality. Most of us think we will feel good when we have money in the bank or when we have that dream career, but it’s the other way around.

Focus on feeling good and excited about your passion and others will be attracted to that. They will WANT to buy your product, support your business, and recommend you to their friends. 

All boiled down here’s what I want you to know…

You don’t have to leave your 9-5 if you don’t want to.

You can totally leave your 9-5 and follow your passion if you want to. 

Go slowly.

Know what you really want to do before making and major decisions in your career. 

Dabble with side projects to keep the pressure off. 

You CAN earn for doing with you are passionate about. 

Everyone has GREAT gifts to share with the world. 

Don’t be swayed by what other people are doing. 

Your great work needs to be supported in order for you to support others.

When you take on the energy of what you want to create your desires become your reality. 

Want a free training on this very topic?

I’m partnering with Gabby to bring you a free training — The 3 Major Blocks to Your Abundance and How to Fix Them!

Here’s what you can expect from this free training:

  • Gabby’s proven process for making your purpose your profession
  • How to earn a great living doing what you love
  • The 3 biggest blocks to your abundance — and 3 steps that will totally energize you and transform your money mindset!


3 Lessons that Helped me own my Confidence and Share Authentically as a Blogger

3 Lessons that Helped me own my Confidence and Share Authentically as a Blogger

Confidence. When I think of it, I realize it’s a major factor in how we as women can show up in a greater capacity, support one another, inspire each other, and create the life we so deeply desire. Especially in the digital age when everyone has a platform, it’s hard to feel like you have something special to offer.

But the lack of confidence gets in our way all too often. We are almost programmed to have a thought of doubt pop up when we get a new idea.

“Who am I to do that?” and “I just don’t see how I could ever make that happen” are things I often would say to myself before I learned these powerful steps from my mentor Gabby Bernstein

When I first started my blog (true story) I considered writing it anonymously.  I think about that now and I’m like “WTF was I thinking?” My desire was to connect with others, share my story, and hopefully inspire my readers to learn about leading a healthier and more mindful lifestyle. But I couldn’t do that if I’m like the “great-and-powerful-oz” over here behind the curtain.

If I was going to facilitate a community I had to show up, even though it was scary at first. 

That brought me to understand a little more about confidence. It’s not like a light switch where one day you decide you’re confident and that’s that. At least that’s not what my experience has taught me.

I have to make the choice (usually on a daily basis) to take a step over the boundary of my comfort zone. Confidence is like a staircase. Every time you step up, you’ll be faced with another circumstance where you have to step up, again, and again, and again. Sorry if you thought this was gonna be easy!

So how do you own your confidence? Here are the steps Gabby taught me, and now I want to share them with you. 

1. Own your story

What is your story to tell? Maybe you overcame a massive hardship and want to inspire others in that situation. Or maybe you have been working on a skill that you know others will find helpful or interesting to learn about.

What is it that you want to share with the world?

Now I know you’re gonna say “but I need that degree / training / credential / course / certificate / letters after my name in order to go out there and share this.” 

Honey, are you listening…Your story is the most important credential you will ever need. 

It’s likely that if you’re reading this then you’ve maybe hit some rock bottom moment or experienced a transformation in your life. Your transformation is unique to you and created a story of change and inspiration. You have a story, and your story is what inspires and heals. 

Exercise: Free write your story. Get out jour journal and write about where you were in your life, what happened, and how you got to where you are today. I bet you there’s somebody out there who can benefit from what you have to share, and that brings us to…

2. Share your story

 Like I said, your story is what heals and inspires. By sharing your story you help people recognize their own ability to change and grow. Think back to somebody who has inspired you. What was it about their story that resonated with you and how did it help you? What that person did for you was to show you that you are not alone, you are seen, your experiences matter, and your story is powerful in healing others. 

I was terrified to share my story about dealing with anxiety. I was afraid of my family members reading it and judging me (which is ludicrous because I know for a fact nobody in my family would do that, but we all conjure up stories to keep us small). This was about 5 years ago, and so much has changed around the conversation about mental health. Once I started talking about it I found so many other people who dealt with the same thing. Maybe I won’t know how many people I impacted with sharing my truth, but that’s ok because it’s not about me. 

When you share your story it’s not about you. It’s about the experience you’ve had and those who resonate with it.

There’s a lot of freedom that comes when you realize that it’s not about you. Authenticity will resonate with people more than a perfectly polished speech or book. Sharing  your truth whenever you can is the most powerful way you can show up in the world. 

Exercise: Decide what ways feel authentic for you and go out and share your story. Whether it’s in a blog or social media post, or maybe it’s sharing with people in your life or hosting talks at a local library. Gabby gave lectures for free for the first 5 years of her career because it was a message that she felt so strongly about needing to get out.

3. Affirm your purpose

Don’t know what your purpose is yet? You don’t have to! When you live from a place of inspiration and you serve others your purpose finds you. It will all be presented to you when you get out of your own head and ask yourself “how can I be truly helpful” let this intention guide you and your purpose will come. 

Exercise: Say this intention daily: “How can I be truly helpful today.” 

As you start to feel more confident and discover your unique purpose on this planet you might want to turn that passion and purpose into a profession. Whether you want to bring more purpose to your current profession, or you want to shift into doing the work that inspires you full time. This is a whole other topic! 

 Want a free training on this?

I learned these lesson from my friend and mentor, NYT bestselling author Gabby Bernstein. Gabby has been a spiritual leader for more than a decade, and she’s committed to guiding us through the blocks that keep us from serving the world and rising up in our own unique and amazing way.

She’s got a kickass FREE 3-part video training that will get you into action to be abundant and make an impact doing what you love. I’m obsessed with this training, and she only does it once a year, so lucky you!

In the first video, Gabby shares 3 steps you can take to truly own your confidence and get into action now. You’ll gain the confidence to embrace the fact that you have a divine purpose — and start taking inspired action so it can unfold.

I’m also a proud affiliate of Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital Course (if you haven’t checked it out I recommend you do). I deeply believe in her and that program, so if along the way you decide to dive into her work even deeper I may earn a referral fee when you sign up from my recommendation.

Whether you are a blogger, entrepreneur, teacher, lawyer, creative, writer, or corporate boss lady you all get so much value out of it.

Click here to watch the video and learn…

  • The 3 steps to owning your confidence and getting into action now
  • The secret to conquering doubt and uncertainty
  • How to feel strongly connected to your purpose

I hope this finds you exactly when you needed to see it!
