Ginger Eggplant and Turkey Stir-fry

Ginger Eggplant and Turkey Stir-fry

This ginger eggplant and turkey stir fry dish came out of a time when I was trying to follow a recipe, but ended up with half of the actual ingredients, and needed to use some things in my fridge before they went bad (I really hate food waste), and it ended up BETTER than the original recipe. I won’t pretend that I can come up with a stellar recipe our of thin air, but if given a framework I can get pretty creative, the resulting meal almost always turns out a winner. …also anything with ginger is a winner for me.

If you’re like me and avoid lengthy recipes from those gorgeous cookbooks that we all drool over but never actually use, then you’re in good company. I don’t think I’ve ever followed a recipe exactly. It’s impossible if you are conscious of not buying ingredients that will eventually collect dust in your cupboard. In reality it’s much more practical to use what you have, and get some essential ingredients. Which is why I love sharing recipes that are really flexible and allow you to use what you have, and change it up to suit what pleases your taste buds.

So use this (and all other recipes) I share as a framework. Look at what you have already, what you love and or hate to eat, and create a recipe of your own. IF you are still in the mood for turkey check out my Turkey Chili recipe, its especially lovely on a cold day.

PS, a note on herbs. I always hated when recipes called for a small amount of herbs, because you have to buy the whole bunch, and the rest would end up going bad before I could use it. I started using this herb saver we got for our wedding, and not only does it really help them last longer, but it looks so cute on our counter!

Ginger Eggplant Turkey Stir-fry

Serves 2


  • 1 eggplant peeled and chopped into 1/2 inch (ish) cubes
  • 1/2 lb ground turkey (go for more if you prefer more or are serving 3-4 people)
  • a couple of garlic cloves diced (2-3 is fine)
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and minced
  • 1 scallion (not necessary if you don’t have one, but it’s yummy)
  • handful of chopped cilantro
  • handful of spinach leaves (not necessary, I just wanted to use the last of the spinach we had, you can really throw and leftover veggies in this)
  • 1-2 tbsp soy sauce
  • juice from half a lime
  • cooking oil of your choice (I used peanut, but it’s really not important what kind you use)

Ok don’t freak out. I know that looks like a lot, but if you don’t have one or two ingredients, just make do with what you have. I will say that the ginger made this meal so special and unique, so I would make an effort to get that if you don’t have it.


  • In a large skillet heat up 2-3 tbsp of cooking oil on high and sauté chopped eggplant, stirring until brown. It will look like a lot of eggplant but it shrinks down quite a bit.
  • While that is sautéing chop garlic, ginger, scallion, and cilantro. You will need these for later.
  • Once the eggplant is browned turn the heat down to low-medium.
  • In a separate skillet sauté the turkey meat with the garlic and ginger in your oil of choice. Just a tablespoon or two will be fine.
  • Once the turkey meat is cooked through and no longer pink, add it to the eggplant skillet. Finally add the cilantro, spinach, scallion, soy sauce, and lime juice. Sauté together for a minute or two just to incorporate all of the ingredients. Feel free to add other spices or veggies at any point if they speak to you. Like if you are in a curry mood, go for it!

Like I said before, the best recipe is the one you are willing to make. Don’t let complex recipes or lengthy ingredients lists deter you from making a delicious meal! Get creative, be flexible, use what you have, and make it your own!

Bon Apetit!

The Best Natural Sleep Remedies

I’ve always had a hard time falling asleep. Don’t get me wrong, sleeping is one of my favorite pastimes, and once I’m asleep I like to stay there for a really, really long time. But the process of getting to the state of sleep, is another story. It could be the fast pace of everybody’s life these days, the massive amounts of information and screen time our brains are processing, or the many things our minds love to ponder over just as the lights go off. I’m always on the look out for the best natural sleep remedies, and wanted to do some experimenting.

I think part of it is just biology. Many people have busy, stressful lives and sleep just fine. So if you’re like me, and were not biologically blessed with the ability to fall asleep in 30 seconds, I’ve done some self experimentation to see what works best.

I was very methodical in how I went about testing these remedies. With scientific data and evidence to back everything up. Nah, just kidding. Just some good old fashioned trial and error. There’s no control group or accounting for variables beyond my control. Sometimes you have to be your own bio hacker, and try out things until one of them works.

MelatoninMelatonin always worked for me as a natural sleep remedy, but in doing some research I decided I won’t be taking it every night anymore. Melatonin is really best used when needed to adjust to a new time zone or sleep schedule. So taking it for a few nights until your body adjusts is the primary goal. I also read that since it’s a hormone it may not be a good idea to take with other hormones such as birth control. I’m still looking into it, but I feel like it’s best to not chance it, but it is helpful for some circumstances.

The Verdict: Effective sleep inducer, but not to be taken daily.

Calm magnesium drink– I can’t say this has made a noticeable impact on me in terms of just being a natural sleep remedy, sorry. I’ve used it in conjunction with other things, as well as just by itself, and I can’t really tell much of a difference in terms of falling asleep quicker. I still continue to drink it every night before bed because magnesium has a whole host of benefits such as helping with stress, muscle cramps, muscle tension, headaches, and constipation. It turns out that most people are deficient in magnesium, so I’ll keep on taking it!

The Verdict: Not effective in helping me get to sleep on its own, but important for other health benefits to take daily.

Relaxation & Hypnosis: Guided relaxations have proved to be extremely helpful for me when falling asleep. It’s the difference between laying there for 2 hours vs falling asleep in 45 minutes (yes, that is considered quick for me). I’ve been doing one on the Insight Timer app and so far it’s working well. Not only does it help me fall asleep, but since I am in a relaxed state I feel like my quality of sleep is better and I notice a difference in how I feel when I wake up, sometimes I even wake up BEFORE the alarm goes off!

The verdict: Super effective for not only getting to sleep, but also for better quality of sleep and managing daily stress.

No Screens: Ok so I debated whether to include this in a “natural sleep remedy” post because it’s not exactly a pill, tincture, supplement, or herb. It’s more along the lines of sleep hygiene, which I wrote another blog post all about (can you tell I love sleep?). But I didn’t want to leave it out since it’s had the biggest impact on my insomnia. I know, I’m stating the obvious. For months I knew my late night Netflix habit was hurting my sleep, yet I would still turn on Gossip Girl and two hours later wonder why I hadn’t fallen asleep yet. I was dumb. Plain and simple. If you haven’t ditched the screens before bed yet and you’re still wondering why you can’t fall asleep, it’s probably time to make this a priority. The book How to Breakup with Your Phone is a great place to start.

The verdict: It works every time….sorry.

Tips From a Healthy Minded Traveler

One of the things I love about blogging is the amazing community of other bloggers with whom I’ve connected. I love being a part of a community of like minded women who cheer each other on and support one another. I came across Carrie from My Crazy Green Life, a wellness lifestyle blog, and instantly knew she was my kind of person. I loved her content so I reached out to her and asked if she would be interested in doing a blog post swap with me, where we each feature a blog post from one another on our blogs. Carrie was kind enough to share this post on healthy travel, which is so timely because I will be going to Italy for our honeymoon in just a few weeks. Enjoy!

Staying on top of what you eat while on the road, the trail, or simply lounging by the pool can be tricky. To help you stay on track I gathered up a few of my favorite tips to staying healthy while traveling, and added a few good ideas from some of some Travel Blogger friends!

First things first. Packing. It is not easy to pack for a vacation and airlines don’t make it easy with their luggage fees. So how can you account for all your organic, natural and  homeopathic hygienic needs? By moving everything into smaller TSA approved containers. I know, it’s a task but considering the alternatives shopping or shipping it may be worth the hassle.

Shipping – If you are going away for more than a few days, the only alternative is to mail a package of items to your hotel before you leave. I am not against this idea if I am going away for more than 7 days!

Shopping – Upon arrival, locate the nearest (if available) grocery store. Grab all the items you need. Keep in mind, this takes time away from your vacation, natural products may not be available, and they may cost more than what you normally would pay. To combat this, do your research ahead of time! Planning will make a huge difference.


  1. Shampoo and Conditioner – (if you don’t mind using a two-in-one Shampoo + Conditioner this is a good space saver!
  2. Non-aluminum deodorant – I like Earth Mama or Schmidt’s Natural Deodorant
  3. Razor
  4. Simple make-up needs
  5. Non Toxic Sunblock – I use Goddess Garden Organics SPF 30
  6. Bug Spray – DoTerra Terra Shield is compact and all natural!
  7. All natural Body lotion – There is an array of choices out there!
  8. Medication if necessary

What about snacks?

1. Save some space – in your checked bag for a stash of “good for you snacks”! Our favorites are;

  • Beef jerky
  • Nuts
  • Organic Snack Bars – Rx Bars are mr favorite!
  • Dried or fresh fruit
  • Individual packets of nut butter – Have you tried Justin’s ? It comes in a variety of nut flavors.
  • Dried chickpeas –  What? Yes, and they taste great! I
  • Whole grain crackers

2.  Plan eating wisely – Try not to put yourself in a “I am starving” situation. Ditch the burgers, fries and mayo smothered sandwiches. If you are about to sit on an airplane, a tour bus or train for 1/2 a day, ask for a turkey lettuce wrap, a salad or a mix of protein packed individual items like nuts, a banana and some nut butter.

3.  No time for airport food? – If you are forced to eat on the plane you don’t have to binge on Jack and Coke with a side of pretzels…. Todays airlines are catching on that passengers want more than peanuts. Some airlines offer protein boxes with hummus, and whole-grain crackers, all of these options provide a balance of protein, fat, and complex carbs.

4.  When in Rome –  You are on vacation, so don’t beat yourself up if you dive into the local fare.  In many countries, part of the culture and experience of your trip is the FOOD! This is where planning comes into the equation. Look into what is available in the area for fresh foods, types of restaurants and plan out what is an absolute MUST TRY and what you can either pass on or substitute.

5. Exercising on the road – Sounds crazy? I swear it’s not! Many hotels and resorts offer gyms with amazing, top-of-the-line equipment and unique group classes. There is NOTHING wrong with working out while on vacation. My fiancée thinks differently on this, but I feel my best when I exercise a couple times a week. No matter what Hemisphere I am in : )

Happy Travels!

6 Lessons Gabby Bernstein Taught Me

6 Lessons Gabby Bernstein Taught Me

It was a humid and misty day in New York city in June of 2016. I had finally made the decision to do something I had put off for 2 years. I was going to Spirit Junkie Masterclass with Gabby Bernstein. I knew not a soul there, but quickly found a tribe (ok, more like a family) that I continue to support, and who support me to this day.

The lessons I learned that week continue to unfold in my life, in deeper and new ways. Luckily I also have the digital version of the masterclass so I can go back and watch every single lecture, meditation, interview, and training she gave that weekend.  I often listen to the digital files in the car on my way to work and find more and more wisdom each time (plus it’s a great use of sitting in traffic).

As my journey continues to unfold, I find different meaning in these teachings, even though I’ve heard them numerous times. I keep going back to them, and they keep serving me. It’s not a one and done kind of thing. The teachings are timeless and transcend situations, so at any point in my life I can go back to them, and learn something new.

It’s hard to sum it up, but the whole weekend has the magical, happy energy that a kid feels when going to Disney World, combined with deep inner healing, topped off with some kickass business trainings. It’s like going to church, therapy, and business school in a weekend. High vibe doesn’t even BEGIN to describe it.

When I got back from Spirit Junkie Masterclass I wrote a blog post about what I learned, which you can find here. Now, two years (and several more Gabby trainings) later I wanted to share some more things I learned from going through the course again with Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital.


1. Be grateful for the tough spots

It’s ok to be in a job that doesn’t light you up, while you’re still figuring out your next move. Even when you’re pissed that you are working the job you hate, and you want out, and you feel stuck, and you’re not doing the work you want to do…BE GRATEFUL. I realized that my full time job was the venture capitalist helping me invest in myself and my vision for this business. I could not be where I am today, taken the trainings I have, created the blog I have now, or begun teaching others like I do, if I didn’t have this venture capitalist funding my dreams. Do you hate your job and dream of doing something else? Start seeing your job as the funding you need to get your dream off the ground. Send massive amounts of gratitude to that job of yours, and when it’s time to move on from it, pop all the champagne you want.

2. Recall Your Commitment to your PURPOSE

Connect with the huge commitment you feel to your purpose, when you do it even when you have no time or resources. Even when you’re working in the job you hate. Even when you have no clients, or no income. You will never be committed to something as much as you are when you do it even when you don’t have time.

3. Take Little Right Actions

I hear so many people say “How do I get where I want to be?” Gabby’s answer, “Lots of little right actions.” Most success stories look like an over night success, and so we think a giant leap forward is needed for us to be successful too. It doesn’t work like that, babe. If you want to get to where you want to go, you have to focus on two things first: 1) aligning with what you are meant to do (that takes some time listening to your inner teacher, as well as trying and failing numerous times before you realize what that is) and 2) stay connected to that inner teacher and you will be guided to those little right actions. Take each small step forward what it is presented and you will be on your path. *the one caveat I will say about #2 is that if you live in fear, you won’t see the next steps when they are presented to you. Fear puts blinders on to your purpose. How many missed opportunities might have come and gone because you didn’t see them, or were too afraid to jump at them.

4. Feel the fear, and do it anyway

You might ask, well how do I know the difference between fear, and when something truly isn’t right. Girl, meet your intuition, she’s here to help you. Most of the time she knows, in an instant. But the key ingredient you want in the good kind of fear is excitement. WTF am I talking about? When an opportunity or idea presents itself, do you feel the kind of fear that’s like “omg, that’s amazing, but there’s no way I can do that, holy shit, who am I to do that” or is it a clear sense that it’s doesn’t light you up. <EXCITEMENT. When you are scared and excited, vs scared and “meh” then you know the difference.

5. Roadblocks are often opportunities in disguise

Even when things don’t work out, it’s not because It wasn’t meant to be. It’s because it was meant to not work out, and teach you something, and take you on a journey in the process. You are never the same person you were after you try something and it doesn’t work out. You are not back at square one when the relationship doesn’t work out, and you are not starting over when your business idea goes bust. You are on the other side of that failure for a reason. Every experience that moves your forward is your next right step. The universe creates space, opens doors, and guides you to lessons and resources and opportunities. 

6. You are right where you need to be. PERIOD. You’re not going any slower or faster than you need to, or think you should. 

Own the journeys that you have been on. All that you have been through was exactly as it needed to be for you to be here today, Own it. Be it. Express it. Heal it, if need be. But take command of where you’ve been, thank it, and let it propel you toward your greater purpose.



PS Gabby is doing a FREE 3-part video training that will get you into action to be abundant and make an impact doing what you love.

Like I did when I trained under Gabby, you’ll gain the confidence to embrace the fact that you have a divine purpose — and start taking inspired action so it can unfold.

Click here to get the FREE TRAINING and learn…

  • Gabby’s proven process for making your purpose your profession
  • How to earn a great living doing what you love
  • The 3 biggest blocks to your abundance — and 3 steps that will totally energize you and transform your money mindset!

Watch now for an instant confidence boost.

What You Need to Know About Trapped Emotions

What You Need to Know About Trapped Emotions


We all learned in high school physics class that matter is made up of molecules. (don’t worry I promise this isn’t a science lesson)

All molecules vibrate at a different frequency. 

Organs, tissues, cells, even thoughts and emotions have a vibration.

Negative emotions and negative thoughts have a different energetic frequency than healthy cells and positive thoughts. (I know this sounds like woo woo hocus pocus, but just stay with me here.)

We feel an emotion, then it is processed, and it passes and we regain a balanced state. There are millions of times in our lives where we have a certain emotional reaction to something, but in 30 seconds it passes and we never think about it again. Then there are those handful of times where (whether we are conscious of it or not) we don’t let go of it. When we don’t process and release them they can get “trapped.”  *I’m using quotes here because I want you to understand that we’re not talking about something being physically trapped. A doctor can’t go in and remove it with a knife and a pair of tweezers. This is on an energetic level.*

When an emotion is trapped it vibrates at it’s yucky frequency, affecting our physical health and wellbeing. At some point in time, this distortion, or imbalance, of the energy field will cause symptoms such as uneasiness, emotional ups and downs, depression, and/or physical symptoms.

trapped emotions


Do you ever wonder why you may be triggered by some things but not by others? You know how certain people can get really angry over something that somebody else may not think twice about?

Maybe for you it’s sitting in traffic. You feel a ball of heat right in the center of your chest and you just want to scream all sorts of obscenities (I know we’ve all been there.) Or maybe when you watch a movie and there is a death scene you just can’t stop the grief you feel in the pit of your stomach. I know people who get really irritated when they feel left out of something, even when it’s unintentional. For many people it’s watching their team lose in a sporting event, because it brings up feelings of humiliation, criticism, or not being good enough that may have been felt in childhood.

Whenever an event brings up a negative reaction or feeling, that’s probably because it is resonating an emotion that already resides within you. It would only take a minor incident to provoke it’s emergence.


Age: Being too young to know how to cope with a situation, such as abuse can result in emotions not being processed. Often times we have trapped emotions that occurred during our childhood because we were to young to deal with the situation.

Not expressing it at the time: Perhaps allowing the emotion to be experienced and expressed would cause embarrassment, or make the painful situation worse. So we pushed it deep down where nobody would know about it, and just carried on.

Severity: At any age, the situation could be so dire, that facing it and dealing with it at the time would be just too difficult and the pain too great. Remember, we’re all human.

Talking ourselves out of how we really feel: When you get upset over something and think to yourself “I’m so stupid for getting so worked up over this.” Without giving that emotion a voice or a way out it’s staying put. By not honoring the emotion and giving it space to be felt, we give it more power to take up residence and torment us.

When we experience trauma alone: When we can’t reach out to others and share our emotions, or talk about what we are going through we aren’t able to fully process what has happened.

When it’s a new emotion: Something that has never happened to us before means that we may not have the coping skills for that event. If we don’t know what to do we can freeze up and not allow the emotions to pass through and be experienced.


Remember, trapped emotions aren’t bad. They can only harm if you don’t let them go. So when these emotions come up but become suppressed, ignored, numbed, they are not being processed and therefore get stuck.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series, where I’ll share how trapped emotions affect our bodies, and how to release them!