Affiliate Disclaimer

Hi friends, Caroline here. As a reader of many blogs I’ve always appreciated transparency between blogger and reader. This relationship is actually really important to me. I write from my heart and I share what I am interested in with the hope that you might glean some inspiration of information from what I have to say, and that is a privilege I don’t take lightly. I want to always be transparent about how things work around here, so I’m disclosing that throughout this site and several posts I’ve included certain links to products that I will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make.

My goal with this blog is always to share, educate, connect, and inspire. So when I share things it’s not because a brand paid me to do it, or because I am driven by a monetary gain. My rule of thumb is “would I share these products and links if I would never make a penny off of them?” and the answer for me always has to be yes.

I am not a full time blogger, so if I even make $5 a month off of this site it would help go toward the hosting fees that are associated with having a website. Would it be amazing to make a passive income through a blog that would be enough to live on? Of course! But that’s not the case here.

I only promote and share products on here that I either use myself, or hope to purchase one day because I either LOVE what the brand stands for or find the product conducive to living well.

I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means that if links on my site take you to a product on Amazon I might make a (very) small commission if you choose to buy that product or any other product when you enter Amazon through my link.

I am also a member of the Reward Style Program and Like to know It (which is a HUGE honor for a small non fashion blogger like me). When you click through my links I create through Reward Style I am credited with helping bring you to that brand and will then earn a small percentage commission (usually around 10% but it varies).

Please note that I am not given any free products, services, or anything else by these companies in exchange. Occasionally people will send me a product to try out but I only share about it if I actually like it, and I will always let you know when something is gifted.

If you have any questions about all of this please don’t hesitate to contact my through my contact page.

