Lately I’ve been making a conscious commitment to be more eco friendly in my fashion selections. If you’ve read my other posts on fast fashion then you know how horrendous our current consumer habits are for the planet. While I know that the most eco friendly thing we can do is to shop second hand and buy less overall, most of us (myself included) still want to buy new things from time to time, so I want to bring you some of my favorite eco friendly fashion finds so you can begin to make more conscious purchases. 

Remember it’s not about being perfect, it’s about being mindful. I don’t think it’s realistic to stop buying clothes all together, and the economy depends on our spending so I want to make sure that my dollars are going to brands that are making efforts towards sustainability.  

I’ve recently been going through the Asos website and I found what is called their “Responsible Edit” which lets you browse items that are either made from recycled materials or sustainable produced materials. How awesome is that!? 

So I’ve put together a round up of my favorite summer items that are all made with sustainable or recycled materials.   

Eco Friendly Fashion Finds That Are Actually Affordable

4 Things That Make These Pieces Eco Friendly

Recycled Plastic

This pleated maxi skirt is made with recycled polyester.  Plastic bottles and textile waste are processed into plastic chips and melted into new fibers. This saves water and energy and reduces greenhouse-gas emissions.

Renewable Resources

Lightweight, soft Lenzing™ EcoVero™ comes from renewable sources. It’s made from wood pulp from responsibly managed forests, showing a fully transparent supply chain. The process saves water and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 50%


Organic Cotton

This skirt is made with organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown with less water and no pesticides. It’s a win-win, improving the environment for both wildlife and cotton farmers


Better Cotton Initiative

Asos partners with the Better Cotton Initiative to improve cotton farming globally. This makes it better for farmers and the environment. BCI provides farming-practice training and promotes things like water efficiency and reducing the most harmful chemicals.

Note: This post probably contains affiliate links.  This allows me to make a small commission from products you purchase through the links you see above, but you don’t pay any extra. It’s just a way for brands to say “thanks!” when bloggers share their products. But I only share products I use myself, plan to use, or brands that are aligned with my values. To learn how this works see my affiliate disclaimer.

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