I am also a firm believer in protecting your energy when it comes to the malls and hectic shopping situation during the holidays. It can leave you feeling angry, depleted, and completely out of the holiday spirit. You can either find me at the mom and pop shops in my hometown supporting local businesses, or ordering gifts online, in my pj’s with a cup of tea.
Let’s simplify the task of your holiday shopping, so you can retain some joy and remember what this time of year is really about. The gifts I have included in this guide are all affordable, and curated for you!
As I’ve started to grow my blog, I’ve had the opportunity to partner with some great small businesses and I’m so happy to share these companies in this year’s guides. I have noted in the descriptions below which ones are from small businesses, if you’re tying to support the little guis this year. Additionally, I’ve also shared Amazon links here as well, so make your shopping much easier. I’m a big fan of Amazon just for the convenience. I want to note that some of these links are affiliate links which means I may earn a small (like jokingly small) commission if you purchase through my link. Just gotta throw that out there to be all legal and stuff.
So for all the wellness enthusiasts out there…you know who you are… drinking green juices, going to soul cycle, sage-ing the F out of your house after you have a fight with your boyfriend, and reading the latest personal development book, I’ve got you! Check out my pics for 2018!
1. Confused Girl In The City- Grace Leggings. I love this brand! Not only was it started by a young female entrepreneur (I totally want to support all my ladies out there) but what makes them different is all the patterns are taken from images of actual crystals. The pattern on the Grace leggings are images taken directly from a ROSE ONYX Crystal. Onyx is associated with the root chakra. It assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. It prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection from such. It also helps with grounding or eliminating unwanted energies. These pants are on sale at the moment AND you get to use my discount code bloomspark. *You’re supporting a small business by purchasing from this company*
2. Sex, Drugs, & (mostly) Yoga by Kara-Leah Grant. I haven’t read this but I’m super in to Kundalini right now and it looks awesome!.
3. Satya Jewelry. I am sooooooo jazzed that Satya jewelry is now on AMAZON! I first learned about Satya through my teacher Gabby Bernstein who is friends with Satya the jewelry designer. She was selling mala beads at the Spirit Junkie Masterclass I attended and her stuff is beyond gorgeous! Any piece from her is a winner. For those who know me well, i wear my gold Satya Spirit Junkie necklace pretty much every day! *You’re supporting a small business by purchasing from this company*
4. The Singing Bowl is my jam right now. I’ve recently partnered with a small business out of Canada called Shanti Bowls that sources high quality yet affordable singing bowls. I use my singing bowl for helping to unwind from a stressful day and clear my mind from work thoughts and daily stress. *You’re supporting a small business by purchasing from this company*
5. Herbivore Coco Rose Body Polish, this stuff feels amazing after a sweaty vinyasa class, or really anytime you need to feel clean and sparkly. Also, the Herbivore brand is on Amazon now and all their products have an emphasis on organic, high quality, and food-grade ingredients.
6. Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane. If you haven’t gotten on the mushroom bandwagon what are you waiting for? The health benefits of mushrooms are innumerable! All of Four Sigmatic’s products are derived from high quality mushrooms are are incredible for your health and vitality. But sorry, they won’t get you high!
7. The Inner Tradition of Yoga by Michael Stone. I’m interested in reading this book because so much of yoga in our culture is so focused on outward things like your outfits and what fancy poses can you post to instagram. This will help you get back to the real meaning of yoga, which is truly an inward journey.
8. Confused Girl In The City Mystery Leggings. I know, I have them on here twice, I just find the patterns so pretty I couldn’t choose just one! The pattern on the Mystery leggings are images taken from a beautiful MARBLE Stone. This stone is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. It is used to provide both clarity and states of suspension in meditation. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. These are also on sale at the moment AND you get to use my discount code bloomspark. *You’re supporting a small business by purchasing from this company*