All snowed in, so what to do? Experiment in the kitchen of course! I wanted to get creative with only using the ingredients I had in the refrigerator because there’s no way I’m going to the store right now. Simple recipes always resonate most with me, because as much as I love to cook, I really just want to get to the eating part. The more ingredients there are the more mess there is to clean up, and the longer it takes to actually get to eating it! So I found some basic ingredients and whipped up some delicious and healthy pancakes. Perfect for a snow day!


Makes 1 serving (three small pancakes)


1 banana mashed

1 egg

1 tbsp coconut flour (feel free to use another type if it’s what you already have)

Optional add-ins: blueberries, cinnamon, nutmeg, and  allspice

If you want them flatter and not quite as thick add some milk (any type will do).

Directions: Mix all 3 ingredients until they are well incorporated. Melt some coconut oil in a pan and make small pancakes with the batter. Cook for several minutes on medium heat and flip occasionally until they look done.

I added chopped walnuts, almonds and maple syrup to finish it off. It was heavenly.




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