Do you sometimes feel like your thoughts get the best of you and can take you on a downward spiral that’s hard to get out of? I certainly do. It’s amazing the power our thoughts have over how we live our lives, the attitudes we have and the results we get. I’m working on this myself, and wanted to share some of the things I do to get myself back in a high vibe mentality.
Starting with the basics, everything is energy and everything vibrates at some frequency.
When you vibrate at a higher frequency you will attract more positivity and happiness into your life, and when you are lower you’re going to attract more conflict and negative situations. This is a universal law.
Here’s how it works. When we have a thought, we’re sending out vibrations that are as real as the vibrations that are sent out by light, heat, and sound.These vibrations can actually reproduce waves, just as the sound vibrations from an opera singer’s voice can cause vibrations in the objects nearby (*cue sharttering wine glass*).
A strong thought will awaken similar vibrations in other minds attuned to receive it. If we are thingking high vibe thoughts, our minds will respond to other vibrations of the same level that are out there in our environment.
We all know somebody that makes us feel awesome when we’re around them. That’s because they’re puting off a higher energy and you’re picking up on it. And then there are those energy vampires, (we all know a few) where no matter what’s going on they’re going to find a way to bring down the energy in the room.
Thoughts that come to us are just reflections or answering vibrations to some strong thought set out by another, but the thought will only affect us if we are atuned to receive it. So tune in to receiving the good ones!
We receive thoughts that are in harmony with the general attitude we hold.
So how can we shift and continually raise our vibration so we can create a smoother life for ourselves so that things are more peaceful and our lessons are more easily learned?
1.Prioritize your energy hygiene: Notice the people and situations that lower your vibration. Maybe you have a coworker that is always gossiping or complaining and expects the worst in others. Though it may not be realistic to totally avoid those people and situations (unless you can, then definitely avoid them!), you can protect your energy by not engaging with that person on their level. Politely hear them out, but don’t go there yourself. Or if you feel totally drained after an encounter with them take a moment to realign yourself with your high vibing thoughts and repeat a mantra that brings you back.
2. Mantra Mantra Mantra: The most powerful way to train your mind is to repeat a positive mantra all day, especially when you encounter a difficult situation that might drain you of your high vibing thoughts. Some great ones to use are:
- I choose to see love.
- Everything is happening for my greater good.
- Think positive, be positive.
- When someone attacks me, I choose to love back.
- There are always possibilities of the highest good coming my way.
- I am being guided to learn and grow.
- I am a vessel for awsomeness.
- I can change my habits the moment I become willing.
- I am ready to rise up, go big and step into my power.
- My high vibe thoughts create health in my body, peace in my mind, and love in my heart.
3. Constantly be working towards a clear goal: I find that working toward a goal keeps the energy in my life moving forward with intention. I will never be able to just go to work, come home, eat, and go to bed. The repetitive hamster wheel can really stop the flow of positive energy and get us in a rut. Stagnant living will yield stagnant energy, plain and simple.
4. Clear out mind clutter: We can be very negative and judgemental about ourselves and how we handled something, or how we think we look. There are so many opportunities to acknowledge ourselves and love ourselves more. Having negative thoughts about yourself will breed more negative feelings about yourself. Start small and start with yourself.
5. Surround yourself with people who inspire you: They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so make them good! Even if you can’t control your coworkers or family members, you can choose your friends and community by doing things you love and meeting people who share the same interests and values. Even online networks can be a great place to connect with inspiring people. I’m in some amazing facebook groups where the community is so supportive and positive.
Now I’d love to hear from you!
Share in the comments below some ways you could raise your vibration to get more of what you want out of life. Thank you for being honest and brave!