Everyone who cares an ounce about their health should know about this major wellness mover-and-shaker: Kris Carr.
Her story begins with, but certainly is not defined by, a diagnosis of incurable cancer. She chronicled her journey to find health and vitality through various types of holistic treatments and nutrition in the documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer (which I highly recommend). While not afraid to show the raw realities of a cancer diagnosis, she retains her strong sense of humor and optimistic attitude in the midst of breakdown and uncertainty. She shows that a “take matters into your own hands” approach to your health can be as emotionally liberating as it is physically healing. She refers to herself as a cancer thriver, which I love, because though her cancer may be incurable, she has been able to maintain her health and improve her wellbeing.
Since her documentary, Kris has written 5 books about her healing journey, helping and inspiring others with and without cancer. Her website kriscarr.com is my regular go-to for information, recipes and tips on healthy living. She is the Green Juice Queen, and one of the reasons I got a juicer last year.
I recently had the privilege to see her at an event with Gabrielle Bernstein called Crazy Sexy Miracles. While the majority of her brand is focused on nutrition, she spoke primarily about living a joyful and extraordinary life. She gave great advice on understanding your purpose and passion, and how to live a life of balance and alignment. Along with a side busting sense of humor, her authenticity and empowering voice is as inspiring as it is down to earth.
My new bff and I. JK, I wish. Sorry for the horrific quality of this photo (*sigh* cell phone cameras).
She’s like the friend you wish you had that drags you to yoga with her, makes you try her new green juice recipe and gives great advice, but also drops f-bombs like a trucker and makes you laugh until it hurts. We all need a Kris Carr in our lives.