Mindful Living
Home- Travel- LiestyleHow To Find Balance Between a Healthy Diet and a Relaxed Lifestyle
Everyone loves a plan to start off the new year right with energy and optimism. We tell ourselves that we are going to eat better and begin to make grand plans for a nutritional overhaul. There is so much to be learned about ourselves by exploring new territories, and...
Inspiring Women: Kris Carr
Everyone who cares an ounce about their health should know about this major wellness mover-and-shaker: Kris Carr. Her story begins with, but certainly is not defined by, a diagnosis of incurable cancer. She chronicled her journey to find health and vitality through...
Inspiring Women: Gabrielle Bernstein
I thought I'd write the first of the "Inspiring Women" series about someone who I think is the best role model of this generation. If you havent heard of Gabrielle Bernstein go to her website or google her right now. I stumbled upon her glorious message on New Years...
Digital Hoarding: 4 Simple Changes to Boost Your Happiness in a Social Media World
As fully immersed and loyal subjects of the social media kingdom we spend hours on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and various blogs and websites. But is this getting out of hand a bit? I started to wonder... Am I a digital information hoarder? I began following various...
Things I love: Against All Grain by Danielle Walker
I love healthy cookbooks. I have to restrain myself at the book store because I want them all. It's important that the recipes in a cookbook are realistic. I won't buy one if each dish has a long list of ingredients that I have never heard of and multiple complex...
The 2 Essential Oils You Can’t Live Without
I have recently been introduced to using essential oils for a number of physical and mental benefits. The absolute best oils to start with if you are a beginner are peppermint and lavender. They really are two essential oils you can't live without because that both...
The Power of Having a Food Philosophy
It’s hard to filter out the noise of what to eat and what not to eat. Everyone has an opinion on which diet works for them. Everyone has their own food philosophy. How do you know what is right for you? We can drive ourselves crazy. It's easy to constantly analyze...