Let’s talk about some of the new self-care routines I’m working to adopt for fall this year. Many moons ago I created self-care guides that were based on the seasons. Physical, mental, emotional, and energetic properties of each season vary so widely that I thought my self-care should reflect those aspects. Addtionally, I struggled with the change of season, particularly summer in to autumn. I created the Fall Self-Care Guide mainly for myself so I didin’t feel so sad when saying goodbye to the long, warm summer days.
It was because of the new routines I created around each season that I had a newfound appreciation for the natural cycles. Now I look forward to the crip fall days becuase it feels like I get a reset button. You know that “new years day” feelng when everything feels fresh with promise. We can get that feeling all year when we use the seasons to help us create new routines. These don’t even have to be self-care routines; they can be related to your work, home, kids, hobbies, what you wear, watch, litsen to, wear..basically anything goes.
I wanted to share with you all what I’m doing differently this season to give myself a fresh start. I find this more important than ever during a pandemic becuase the days since March have started to feel like groundhod day, with little differentiating one day (or season) to the next. In times that are uncertain we need things that ground us in the present; and what is more present and grounding than the current season?

Listen to…
Music is a really strong way to being yourself into the present moment, and it’s also a way to take you back to good memories. I change up my music seasonally that way I don’t get sick of the same thing, and next year when the season rolls around again I can use the music to ground me into the knowing that it’s Fall, and all the feelings that go with it. Becuase Fall is a time of change, slowing down, letting go, comfort, and balance I like my music to evoke those same feelings in me. Here are a few things I listen to in the Fall to help me feel really grounded in the season:
Autumn by George Winston
We Heart Autumn
Rainy Fall Day Yoga
Autumn Acoustic
This might sound weird but I have “fall shows” that I jump back into when the season changes. For me it’s Gilmore Girls. Who doesn’t want to be in Stars Hollow in autumn? The familiarity and cosines of this show gives me all the fall feels. This will be different for everybody given your taste, but a show that can make you feel happy and cozy is a great choice. Unless you’re in the mood for horror and suspense, then I’d go with Pretty Little Liars.
Meditate to…
My daily meditations fell off a cliff when the pandemic happened. In a time where meditaiton was most needed I was looking for comfort and grounding in other things like food and Netflix binges, but now that a new season is upon us it’s a perfect time to start a new daily meditation routine. I’ve found some great guided meditaitons to help you ease into the feelings of fall: