This is the perfect smoothie for those chilly fall mornings when you want something healthy, but a pineapple and kale smoothie just feels too “July” for this time of year.

My Orange Spice Breakfast Smoothie with essential oils captures the flavors of the season while still being a super-charged breakfast. The added essential oils also provide a boost to your immune function. Huzzah!

I have to be honest, this recipe came out of pure despiration because I had almost nothing in my refrigerator. I had to get a little creative but it turned out better than anything I could have planned. That’s usually how it works.

Get ready for amazingness:
  • Take handfull of almonds (or cashews if you prefer) and a cup or so of water and pulverize in the blender for about a minute until it’s as fine as can be. (If you already have nut milk made just use that)


  • half a banana
  • spoonful (you decide how big) each of chia seeds, almond butter, coconut butter, coconut oil, chia seeds for some nice healthy fats
  • dash of honey, cinnamon, and vanilla
  • one drop each of orange and Thieves essential oils

Adding the essential oils is optional, as it will still be delicious without it, but I mean, WOW! Adding essential oils was a smoothie game changer for me. Thinkin’ outside the box.



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