Confidence. When I think of it, I realize it’s a major factor in how we as women can show up in a greater capacity, support one another, inspire each other, and create the life we so deeply desire. Especially in the digital age when everyone has a platform, it’s hard to feel like you have something special to offer.
But the lack of confidence gets in our way all too often. We are almost programmed to have a thought of doubt pop up when we get a new idea.
“Who am I to do that?” and “I just don’t see how I could ever make that happen” are things I often would say to myself before I learned these powerful steps from my mentor Gabby Bernstein.
When I first started my blog (true story) I considered writing it anonymously. I think about that now and I’m like “WTF was I thinking?” My desire was to connect with others, share my story, and hopefully inspire my readers to learn about leading a healthier and more mindful lifestyle. But I couldn’t do that if I’m like the “great-and-powerful-oz” over here behind the curtain.
If I was going to facilitate a community I had to show up, even though it was scary at first.
That brought me to understand a little more about confidence. It’s not like a light switch where one day you decide you’re confident and that’s that. At least that’s not what my experience has taught me.
I have to make the choice (usually on a daily basis) to take a step over the boundary of my comfort zone. Confidence is like a staircase. Every time you step up, you’ll be faced with another circumstance where you have to step up, again, and again, and again. Sorry if you thought this was gonna be easy!
So how do you own your confidence? Here are the steps Gabby taught me, and now I want to share them with you.
1. Own your story
What is your story to tell? Maybe you overcame a massive hardship and want to inspire others in that situation. Or maybe you have been working on a skill that you know others will find helpful or interesting to learn about.
What is it that you want to share with the world?
Now I know you’re gonna say “but I need that degree / training / credential / course / certificate / letters after my name in order to go out there and share this.”
Honey, are you listening…Your story is the most important credential you will ever need.
It’s likely that if you’re reading this then you’ve maybe hit some rock bottom moment or experienced a transformation in your life. Your transformation is unique to you and created a story of change and inspiration. You have a story, and your story is what inspires and heals.
Exercise: Free write your story. Get out jour journal and write about where you were in your life, what happened, and how you got to where you are today. I bet you there’s somebody out there who can benefit from what you have to share, and that brings us to…
2. Share your story
Like I said, your story is what heals and inspires. By sharing your story you help people recognize their own ability to change and grow. Think back to somebody who has inspired you. What was it about their story that resonated with you and how did it help you? What that person did for you was to show you that you are not alone, you are seen, your experiences matter, and your story is powerful in healing others.
I was terrified to share my story about dealing with anxiety. I was afraid of my family members reading it and judging me (which is ludicrous because I know for a fact nobody in my family would do that, but we all conjure up stories to keep us small). This was about 5 years ago, and so much has changed around the conversation about mental health. Once I started talking about it I found so many other people who dealt with the same thing. Maybe I won’t know how many people I impacted with sharing my truth, but that’s ok because it’s not about me.
When you share your story it’s not about you. It’s about the experience you’ve had and those who resonate with it.
There’s a lot of freedom that comes when you realize that it’s not about you. Authenticity will resonate with people more than a perfectly polished speech or book. Sharing your truth whenever you can is the most powerful way you can show up in the world.
Exercise: Decide what ways feel authentic for you and go out and share your story. Whether it’s in a blog or social media post, or maybe it’s sharing with people in your life or hosting talks at a local library. Gabby gave lectures for free for the first 5 years of her career because it was a message that she felt so strongly about needing to get out.
3. Affirm your purpose
Don’t know what your purpose is yet? You don’t have to! When you live from a place of inspiration and you serve others your purpose finds you. It will all be presented to you when you get out of your own head and ask yourself “how can I be truly helpful” let this intention guide you and your purpose will come.
Exercise: Say this intention daily: “How can I be truly helpful today.”
As you start to feel more confident and discover your unique purpose on this planet you might want to turn that passion and purpose into a profession. Whether you want to bring more purpose to your current profession, or you want to shift into doing the work that inspires you full time. This is a whole other topic!

Want a free training on this?
I learned these lesson from my friend and mentor, NYT bestselling author Gabby Bernstein. Gabby has been a spiritual leader for more than a decade, and she’s committed to guiding us through the blocks that keep us from serving the world and rising up in our own unique and amazing way.
She’s got a kickass FREE 3-part video training that will get you into action to be abundant and make an impact doing what you love. I’m obsessed with this training, and she only does it once a year, so lucky you!
In the first video, Gabby shares 3 steps you can take to truly own your confidence and get into action now. You’ll gain the confidence to embrace the fact that you have a divine purpose — and start taking inspired action so it can unfold.
I’m also a proud affiliate of Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital Course (if you haven’t checked it out I recommend you do). I deeply believe in her and that program, so if along the way you decide to dive into her work even deeper I may earn a referral fee when you sign up from my recommendation.
Whether you are a blogger, entrepreneur, teacher, lawyer, creative, writer, or corporate boss lady you all get so much value out of it.
Click here to watch the video and learn…
- The 3 steps to owning your confidence and getting into action now
- The secret to conquering doubt and uncertainty
- How to feel strongly connected to your purpose
I hope this finds you exactly when you needed to see it!