I thought it was only fitting for the Sustainable & Ethical Gift Guide series to include a gift guide for the newly eco-conscious. Whether you are shopping for someone who has long been a lover of the planet, or just a budding environmentalist, all of these items would make great gifts.I have taken a look at all the things I use in my daily life that help me be more sustainable. Whether it’s using products that help me reduce waste in my kitchen, like using beeswax wrap, or trying to buy items made with recycled materials, there are little ways we can all be a little more eco-conscious with our everyday household things. 

I find one of the things that makes it easier to be eco friendly in your home is to make small substitutiuons rather than sweeping changes. The little every day things add up over time- just imagine how much plastic saran wrap I’ve saved just by using my beeswax wraps!

Low Waste Gifts

I love low waste options for my kitchen. It takes no more effort to use these things becuase they are merely substitutes. My habits didn’t have to change once I got these. And I can honestly say I LOVE the beeswax wraps- use them every day, mainly for cheese…we eat a lot of cheese.

Gifts Made with Renewables

By looking at the materials that make up our every day items we can start to move away from materials that deplete our earth’s resources. While bamboo is a tree (and we don’t like cutting down trees) it grows incredibly fast so it is a rapid self renewing resource. Honestly, I need to do more research on this subject to truly understand if using bamboo is better for the planet, but so far it seems like a better choice than other materials. 

Made from Recycled and Biodegradable Materials

Aside from not purchasing anything new (which to me isn’t that realistic) it’s a great option to start using items that are made from recycled materials. This phone case  is actually biodegradable! It will take 3-5 years to decompose, rather than 500 years that most plastic phone cases will take. Yikes!


Just a friendly reminder the items I have linked here are affiliate links that I use to help support the time I dedicate to researching and writing for you all. This is NOT a sponsored post and I was not gifted any of these items. I only share products here that I either use myself, or hope to purchase one day because I either LOVE what the brand stands for or find the product conducive to living well and sustainably. This is no extra expense to you, just a way for brands to say “thanks, Caroline!” when I send my readers their way. You can read more about it in my affiliate disclaimer. 

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