We spend our whole lives striving for the next thing. Graduate with that degree, get the dream job, buy the house, the fancy car. Forward, forward, onward, upward. Don’t look back. Keep striving. Success is only found by looking ahead and pushing a little bit more. Society only loves you when you’re advancing in it.

But before you cam bloom, you need grounded roots. And we often neglect that essential component. I wouldnt want a construction company to cut the budget for the foundation, and used the extra resources to build a taller skyscraper. So why do I live my life like that?

When you dig deep into the core of you, (your roots) what do you find? Do you know what you see? Is the landscape murky, or clear?

Doing this type of deep inner work, you may kind that some old stuff is brought to the surface. You can call it fear, old wounds, triggers. Those things deep within us that are a whisper, but everpresent. You ignore these feelings, push them down as you reach for that afternoon latte to keep you going.

You aren’t always aware of them, but they guide your attitudes, decisions and lifestyle. You blame it on your past; that shitty boyfriend who said you were unloveable, the addict in your family that made your home unsafe. The regection, the judgement along the way. The beliefs we made up to explain how the world works when our child brains could’t comprehend the complexity and dynamics of life. 

We all have some version of this.

We see our fears as making us weak, imperfect. A crack in the porcelean.

What holds you back from being fucking awesome?

What are you protecting yourself against?

The feeling that you are unworthy of happiness, and success? “Who am I to…”

The fear of failure, because there’s no gold metal for the losing team. “Why should I bother to…”

Lack mindset; “I don’t have the resources, time, education, money, intellect, creativity to…”

We all need time to reconcile the limiting beliefs that diminish our self worth. Healing the fears and wounds that hold you back from your greatness. I think there should be a mandatory stock taking period each year, where we are all expected do unplug and listen to the thoughts in your head, and the feelings in your gut. A time to ask ourselves what am I doing here? Is what I’m doing making any difference? What’s driving me? What am I running from? What am I runnung towards?

But being healed doesn’t mean your woulds go away. Being healed means you thank those wounds and see them as your greatest teacher.

How to do this:

  1. Remember that uou are magnificent. You are loved. You were made to do epic shit.
  2. Get clear on what holds you back. Ask yourself: what are my greatest fears? What has hurt me in the past? What are my woulds?
  3. Identify where they hold you back in your life/career/relationsips.
  4. Do the work daily to kindly thank those beliefs, and send them on their way. IF that doesn’t make any selse to you create a mantra/prayer/affirmation/saying of the new belief you want to create, that you can go back to over and over again. Play that shit on repeat.

Rather than trying to rid yourself of your darkness, transforming your the way you see your wounds will help you grow past them. They are there to teach you. To help you on your journey of evolution. When you see your fears as your teacher, rather than your enemy, you learn a great deal more about your place on this earth. 



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