About 15 minutes after I finished watching the episode I saw that he had passed away. Thinking I must have misunderstood it, I re-read it several times, not believing what I was seeing. That can’t be possible, I thought. He has so much left to teach. Just 15 minutes ago I was thinking how youthful his energy was. This didn’t make any sense.
Then, in remembering some of the things he has said about death, I thought about how much faith he had in the transformation that occurs at the end of a life. He didn’t fear death. He didn’t even believe in death. I can only believe that Wayne is enjoying his transformation on the other side, and can now serve us in a far greater, more profound way.
In honor of him, I wanted to share with all of you some of the most meaningful messages from Dr. Wayne Dyer.
1. You are God.
This concept may seem beyond many people’s understanding or belief system. But when explained so simply it may just make perfect sense to you. If God is a word that doesn’t resonate with you then Universe, Source, or Divine Conciousness are all perfect substitutes. If God is the ocean and we are all a cup of that ocean, we may seem separate from it, but it’s still of that source and still contains God within it. We are a whole cup of God. Even when we don’t feel a connection to our divine source, we are always connected. All of us are individualized expressions of the oneness of God. You are God. Divinity can’t be found outside of you, because it’s who you are.
“So, you have to recognize that God isn’t something outside of you—a cosmic bellboy to whom you pray in order to get this or that if you do the right things.”
2. The illusion of death.
He described how we move through life, first as a baby, then a child, then a teenager, adult and so on. While we may never realize it’s happening, we are constantly transforming, yet we always remain ourselves through it all. There’s a constant thread that continues during all of those transformations. Who you are is that which keeps occupying these new bodies. The soul is the part that is infinite, unchanging and never ending. It doesn’t end when your body ends, just as you didn’t end when you went from a child to a teenager. He explained how death is a similar transformation, in that we retain our soul, that which makes us essentially who we are. Death really is just an illision, we move on to the next form but we stay the same, like walking from one room to another.
“Transformation literally means going beyond your form.”
3. Manifestation of wishes.
This is a topic that is hard to grasp for many, myself included. It’s not as easy as wishing for a brand new car, and expecting it to appear. Dr. Dyer said that “You do not attract what you want. You attract what you are. “ You have to call things that do not exist as if they did. Think of the stories you constantly tell yourself: “I’m sick. I’m poor. I’m unlovable. I don’t have enough of XYZ.” You don’t want to put into your imagination what you don’t want in your life. Instead, place into your imagination what you want to experience, as if it is what you already are. “I am health, I am happiness, I am love.” If your doctor tells you you’re sick you’ll likely connect with sickness and disease as somthing you “are.” When you’re aligned with fear based energies (including hate, doubt, judgement, lack, resentment, and worry) instead of love based energies (which include oneness, acceptance, joy, freedom, peace and happiness) you will keep attracting more fear based stuff into your life. More illness, lack, anger, hostility, and shortages. Go through your life as if your wishes are already fulfiled and on their way. You can choose your thoughts, and your thoughts become your reality.
“What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.”
4. Forgiveness
If you’re interested in living a happy, and peaceful life, it’s imperative to let go of resentments. Resentments survive in your mind because you are unwilling to move beyond something someone else did in the past. You don’t need to forgive someone else to give them peace. But you must forgive someone else to give yourself peace. Holding anger for someone else is like taking the poison yourself. You don’t give someone a gift when you forgive them. You give that gift of forgiveness for yourself becuase you want to live a joyful life.
“You practice forgiveness for two reasons. To let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with them, and to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment.”
5. Outlook
What are you seeing in your world? How do you perceive your experiences? How you see your life matters more than what you see in your life. Once you begin to change that inner projector screen, your experience of your experiences change. The outside world doesn’t necessarily have to change, but your experience of the outside world changes. And sometimes the external situation does change too because it’s just a reflection of your inner condition. Are you willing to start to tell a new story, to see situations differently? You are the creator of your life and your perceptions of that life.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
These lessons only scratch the surface. I encourage you to pick up one of his books. It might just change your life.