You’re sitting in yoga class and the teacher invites everyone to chant a round of “Om” together. Ever wonder what it means or why we do it? You’re not alone. For many it can seem uncomfortable or foreign. By knowing what it means and why you’re chanting it can make a big difference in your yogic experience.

Describing what “Om” is and why we do it is a bit difficult because it’s a vague concept that goes beyond definition. It’s something that requires experience to understand, otherwise it can feel a bit meaningless.


Let’s begin by dispelling some of the confusion and mysteries surrounding the practice of chanting “Om.”

Om is a Sanskrit term that translates as “source” or “supreme.” However it’s not the meaning that is most important to the chanting yogis.

The sound vibration of the word is most important. You experience “Om” more than just saying it.

Om is that mysterious aspect of all life that cannot be summed up by words. It is everything. All in existence. It’s the seed of all creation; like how a seed holds the power and energy of an entire plant within itself. This small sound contains the meaning of the universe. Some have said that recordings of the vibrations that Earth makes in space can sound a bit like “Om” but that’s really up for you to decide.


Even though Om sounds like one sound it really can be broken down into three (and even four) parts.

  1. “Ahhh”– represents the start of the universe, creation, and birth. The sound vibration itself is produced at the back of the throat. The vibration can be felt  deep into the abdomen. This vibration brings you in connected awareness of your creation and your true essence.
  2. “Ooooh”– represents the energy of the universe, or life. It connects us to the sense that deep within us there is something more beyond what we can see or hear. Chanting this sound, the vibration moves from the back of the mouth to the middle, resonating on the palate.
  3. “Mmmm”-represents transformation or death. The transformative energy of the universe that brings you to a state of oneness with all creation. The vibration of this sound is made at the lips, vibrating the crown of the head
  4. Silence– Often considered the fourth sound in “Om” the silent but very real energy that resonates after the room finishes the chant. This represents the experience of pure consciousness.


Chanting “Om” helps to bring the energy of the room together in harmony to open and close a practice by changing and breathing in unison.

Typically yoga classes begin with three rounds of chanting “Om” and one more at the end of the class. By tuning the attention in during this mantra, you can connect your mind and body on a deeper level. We are reminded of the eternal joy and peace that resides in all of us during this moment. It is from that place that we begin our practice.

By chanting “Om” at the end of the class in unison, it confirms total respect for the practice and each other. It seals the energy that was cultivated during the practice so you can call on it during your everyday life when times get stressful. I find that after a good yoga class my “Om” at the end resonates deeper into all corners of my mind, body, and spirit.


What does Om Mean?


KNOW: Understand the meaning and purpose of chanting “Om” during your practice (which you already do since you’ve just read this, so YAY you!)

FEEL: Slowly produce each individual sound “aaahhh, oooooh, mmmmm” spending time at each one, feeling the actual vibration in your body. Notice how the place of resonance changes from sound to sound.

VISUALIZE: Notice how the sound vibration moves upward from the abdomen to throat, then ending at the crown of the head. Visualize that vibration as energy moving upward through the chakras. This will help to engage in the subtle body energy field to heighten your connection to the universe.

TUNE IN: With each repetition of “Om” tune in deeper by bring your attention to the silence after each chant. Noticing the difference in how your body feels between the sound production and the silence. You can almost feel lingering vibrations in your body even after you’ve finished the last sound.

Taking these into consideration the next time you take a yoga class should enhance the state of peace and wellbeing, relaxing your nervous system and preparing you for your yoga practice.

Now I want to hear from you!! In the comments below share what chanting “Om” means to you.



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